Liverpool Planning Portal: Applying for Planning Permission
The Liverpool Planning Portal is an online resource designed to enable efficient access to planning information and services for residents and developers in Liverpool. It serves as a central hub for submitting and managing planning applications, checking their progress, and accessing information about local planning policies.
The Liverpool Planning Portal also plays a vital role in supporting ecological sustainability by integrating environmental considerations into the planning process. It helps ensure that new developments in Liverpool align with ecological priorities. This often includes protecting biodiversity, conserving natural habitats, and mitigating environmental impacts.
Understanding the planning process and potential challenges is crucial for ensuring a positive project. At Collington Winter Environmental, our consultants can assist you in meeting planning permission requirements with regards to ecological requirements, such as undertaking surveys to identify and mitigate for the presence of protected species, and also ensuring that Biodiversity Net Gain principles, which are now mandatory, are achieved and to ensure that your project is successful.
You can find the Liverpool Planning Portal here.
The Planning Permission Process
Applying for planning permission through the Liverpool Planning Portal involves several steps to ensure a smooth and efficient process.
Preparing the application
- Prepare necessary documents, including:
- Application forms (available on the portal).
- Detailed site plans and drawings (e.g., elevations, floor plans).
- Supporting statements, such as a Design and Access Statement, ecological reports, or heritage assessments (if applicable).
- Biodiversity net gain proposal (which must provide a minimum of 10% improvement to the local area), which has been mandatory since 12 February 2024.
Submitting the application
- Complete the online planning application form with details about the project.
- Attach all required plans and supporting information.
- After validation, the council will publicise the application through notices, local media, or letters to nearby properties.
- Relevant stakeholders, including neighbours and statutory bodies, will be invited to provide feedback.
- Planning officers will review your application, considering factors like local planning policies, environmental impacts, and public feedback.
- If needed, you may be asked to modify the proposal to address specific concerns.
- Ecological issues will be considered, and you may be asked to modify/update your BNG proposal unless it is accepted as proposed. Questions may be raised as to the proposed mitigations in respect of protected species located on the proposed development, which we can assist with responding to and progressing your application.
Decision making
- For straightforward applications, a decision is made by planning officers.
- For larger or contentious projects, the application may go to the planning committee for a decision.
- You will be notified of the decision in writing, and it will also be published on the portal.
What Ecological Requirements are Taken into Account for the Planning Permission Process?
When making an application for planning permission on the Liverpool Planning Portal, other ecological constraints may need to be considered. The most common ecological requirements include:
Ecological Surveys: Submission of comprehensive ecological surveys and assessments to identify existing flora, fauna, and habitats on the project site. These surveys often involve studying the site’s ecosystems.
Protected Species Assessment: Determination of whether any legally protected species, such as endangered animals or rare plants, are present on or near the development site. This may require surveys for species like bats, birds, amphibians, and reptiles.
Tree Surveys: A thorough assessment is made of how the proposed development may affect the health, structure, and stability of existing trees.
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG): Utilising the most up to date biodiversity metric tools, it is now mandatory from February 2024 to ensure any development is improving the local ecological habitat by at least 10%. This is to ensure that developments have a positive impact on biodiversity in the local area, and can take the form of either creation of new habitat within the red line boundary of the development, or if a 10% increase is not feasible, off-site units can be purchased to offset the creation of habitat elsewhere.
Landscape Surveys: For large scale developments, considerations have to be given as to the impact on the local landscape. Our in-house landscape architectural team regularly complete local site inspections and assessments of a proposed development, to ensure it is designed in a manner to fit in with the local area.
Ecological Clerk of Works: As part of any assessments completed in respect of Protected Species or BNG, we can provide an ecological clerk of works to oversee habitat mitigation or creation during tricky aspects of any development project, to ensure minimal harm is caused to local protected species and that habitats are created to the correct specification.
How can Collington Winter Environmental Assist Your Application on the Liverpool Planning Portal?
Collington Winter Environmental believe in a pragmatic approach to development management. We meet the needs of developers whilst ensuring positive outcomes for wildlife and other stakeholders in your development, such as your Local Council. In respect of any application you intend to make to the Liverpool Planning Portal, we can assist with providing all necessary ecological assessments and recommendations to support your planning application for your development, to ensure ecological aspects of your application comply with Liverpool City Council requirements.
If you are interested in our services, contact us using the form below. You can also contact us via email at or call one of our team on 01204 939608.
Contact Us
Registered Address
23 Bark Street East, 1st Floor, Bolton, BL1 2BQ
Cambridge Office
Future Business Centre, Cambridge Campus, Kings Hedges Road, Cambridge, CB4 2HY
Head Office: 01204 939 608
Dumfries Office: 01387 378208