Landscape Visual Assessment – What you need to know

A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) is a process used to identify and assess the potential impacts of a proposed development on the landscape and visual amenity of an area. It is a tool that can be used to help decision-makers make informed choices about whether or not to approve a development and to identify ways to mitigate any negative impacts.

LVIAs typically consider the following factors:

  • The nature and scale of the proposed development
  • The existing landscape of the area
  • The views that will be affected by the development
  • The potential for cumulative impacts from other developments in the area
  • The views of the public

LVIAs can be carried out by a variety of professionals, including landscape architects, planners, and environmental consultants. The process typically involves gathering information about the existing landscape, assessing the potential impacts of the proposed development, and making recommendations for mitigation.

LVIAs can be a valuable tool for protecting the landscape and visual amenities of an area. By identifying and assessing the potential impacts of development, LVIAs can help to ensure that new developments are compatible with the surrounding landscape and do not negatively affect the visual quality of the area.

The landscape institute provides guidelines for industry professionals to follow in carrying out the assessment: the Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA).

What are the benefits of an LVIA?

Some of the benefits of carrying out a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment include:

  • Identifying and assessing the potential impacts of a proposed development on the landscape and visual amenity of an area.
  • It can help to ensure that new developments are compatible with the surrounding landscape.
  • Informs decision-makers about the potential impacts of a proposed development
  • Identifies ways to mitigate any negative impacts of a proposed project.
  • It can help to build public support for or opposition to a proposed development.

If you are considering a development that may have a significant impact on the landscape or visual amenity of an area, it is important to carry out a Landscape Visual Impact Assessment. This will help your development to comply with any relevant planning regulations.

When might you need a landscape visual assessment?

You may need a landscape visual assessment (LVIA) if you are planning a development that may have a significant impact on the landscape character or visual amenity of an area. This could include developments such as:

  • New housing
  • Industrial or commercial developments
  • Infrastructure projects such as roads or railways
  • Renewable energy projects such as wind farms or solar panels
  • Changes to existing landscapes, such as deforestation or quarrying

The need for an LVIA will vary depending on the specific development and the local planning regulations. In some cases, an LVIA may be required as part of the planning application process. In other cases, it may be carried out voluntarily by the developer.

If you are unsure whether you need an LVIA, you should contact your local planning authority. 

How can Collington Winter assist?

Our experts at Collington Winter are up to date on the Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA3) and can effectively assist clients with their projects to ensure everything is complying with the relevant rules and regulations.

Please get in touch with our team of Environmental Consultants today to find out more about how we can help you at or call the team on 01204 939 608.


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