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Ecology Consultancy Oxfordshire: Collington Winter

Ecology, Oxfordshire

ecology consultants sussex

Collington Winter Ecology Consultancy, Oxfordshire. We are one of the leading ecological consultancy firms in the country.

Collington Winter offers a range of ecological services for all types of development projects. We are Chartered Environmentalists with many years of experience.

We are passionate about the environment and provide a wide range of ecological services for development projects. We work in a variety of sectors, including residential, commercial, and minerals. We offer high-quality environmental advice whatever your development site.

Our current offices are located in Greater Manchester and Dumfries. This provides our team with the ability to work and provide a nationwide service. We have undertaken a large proportion of our work in Oxfordshire. Over the years, we have built strong relationships with key stakeholders across the UK.

Oxfordshire Ecology Consultants – Our Services

Our Ecological Consultancy, Oxfordshire services include ecological impact assessments and appraisals, protected species surveys, ecology surveys and mitigation.

biodiversity net gain

Ecological Appraisal and Assessment

We can assess and identify ecological issues for any project type using preliminary ecological appraisals and assessments, as well as extended phase 1 habitat surveys and ecological walkovers.


ecological walkover survey

Biodiversity Net Gain

Following the passing of the Environment Bill, it will soon become mandatory to leave the environment in a better state than it was in before the initation of a development. Contact us to find out how we can assist with BNG.

protected species surveys

Protected Species Surveys

We provide a wide range of ecological surveys to assist with planning applications. We offer bird surveying, bat surveysreptilebadger surveys otter surveys and Great Crested Newt surveys. 


We help to minimise the impact of development on protected species on a site by providing effective mitigation and compensation strategies for applications to planning authorities.

Why Choose Collington Winter Environmental?


Collington Winter Environmental is an ecological consultancy, Dorset. We offer our cost-effective ecological services to all types of developments in all locations throughout the UK.

Our Ecology Director, Olivia Collington, has a long history of employment in the environmental sector and has an excellent track record. She also holds a Natural England license and is member of the chartered institute of Environmental Sciences.

If you require any advice or ecology services from an Ecologist, Dorset, contact us using the form below. You can also contact our Ecology Director, Olivia Collington, via email at

For more information, visit the chartered institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).

Contact Us

Registered Address

23 Bark Street East, 1st Floor, Bolton, BL1 2BQ

Cambridge Office

Future Business Centre, Cambridge Campus, Kings Hedges Road, Cambridge, CB4 2HY


Head Office: 01204 939 608

Dumfries Office: 01387 378208

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