Bat Ecologist Lancashire – Protected Species Surveys

When undertaking construction or development projects, it is essential to consider the potential impact on local wildlife and biodiversity. Bats are a European protected species, and they play a vital role in ecosystems and are particularly sensitive to changes in their habitat. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct thorough bat surveys as part of the planning permission process to assess the presence and conservation needs in the project area.

Due to their ecological importance, bats are protected under national and international legislation, including the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017.

It is an offence to injure, capture, intentionally disturb or kill a bat in their natural habitat. Therefore, if evidence of bats is found, developers are legally required to carry out bat mitigation and compensation measures before any development work can begin. These measures may include the creation of a bat box or roost. More information about bat mitigation measures can be found on the Bat Conservation Trust website.

Bat survey Berkshire

Types of bat survey


There are several types of bat surveys that may be conducted as part of the planning application process. The specific type of ecology survey required will depend on various factors. These may include the nature of the proposed development, the location, and the presence of suitable bat habitats. Here are some common types of surveys:

  • Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA): This initial survey involves a visual inspection of buildings, trees, and other structures within and around the development site to identify potential bat roosting features and feeding remains. It helps determine if further surveys are necessary and provides a preliminary indication of the presence or likely absence of bats.
  • Re-entry Surveys and Bat Emergence Surveys: These surveys are conducted at dawn or dusk, the times when bats are most active, to observe their exit from and return to roosts. This is often located near roof tiles and hanging tiles. This survey method provides data on bat species, roost locations, and activity levels.

Bat ecologist Lancashire

Bat surveys should be conducted by an experienced bat ecologist, Lancashire, or licensed bat surveyors who have the necessary knowledge and expertise to identify species of bats, assess roosting sites, and interpret bat activity data. These professionals possess a deep understanding of bat ecology, survey methodologies, and legal requirements related to European protected species.

In the UK, bat surveys should ideally be carried out by ecologists who hold a Natural England bat survey license and a European Protected Species licence. These licenses are issued to individuals who have demonstrated sufficient skills and knowledge in conducting bat surveys and handling bats appropriately.

How Can Collington Winter Assist?

Collington Winter Environmental are a team of ecology consultants with extensive experience in environmental management and undertaking bat and hibernating bat surveys on all types of development projects and can meet any bat survey requirements. Our Ecology Director, Olivia Collington, holds a Natural England Bat licence, and has worked with protected species across the UK alongside North West bat surveyors and bat conservation trusts.

Please contact us ( for more information on our preliminary ecological appraisals and species survey work, including bat surveys and great crested newt surveys. We also provide ecological appraisal and assessment services.

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23 Bark Street East, 1st Floor, Bolton, BL1 2BQ

Cambridge Office

Future Business Centre, Cambridge Campus, Kings Hedges Road, Cambridge, CB4 2HY


Head Office: 01204 939 608

Dumfries Office: 01387 378208

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